Saturday, May 16, 2020

I Feel Like The Film Sound, And Fury - 880 Words

I feel like the film SOUND, AND FURY is a fascinating film which looks at the often overlooked deaf culture in contemporary society. By following two families, the film looks at how the societal pressures and the impacts of the cochlear implant have on deaf families, and deaf culture. For years, deaf individuals have been told they are less than or different, and after years of stigmatization, and ill treatment many people have become part of deaf culture, which does not look at deafness as a disability, but rather a different way of life. For parents, the option of giving their deaf child a cognitive implant means that they would be able to hear, and thus, grow up communicating through auditory channels with the outside world. While for many parents, this seems like a gift, many families feel like it is shaming deaf culture, affirming beliefs that deafness is something to be ashamed of, and disconnect them from deaf culture. In the film, we see the Artinian family, who has family me mbers over three generations in Long Island, New York, who have hearing exceptionalities. Within the movie, we mainly see the lives of the two very different Artinian brothers. One brother Peter, who is married to a deaf woman, has a deaf daughter and was born deaf. The other brother does not have congenital deafness but married a woman whom also has connections to deaf culture, with two parents who are deaf. This couple has two twin boys one who is deaf and one who can hear. In the film, we seeShow MoreRelatedMovie Analysis : The Movie, And Chris Sanders And Dean Deblois Directed It1228 Words   |  5 PagesSound and music are wonderful things. Sound fills our everyday lives with excitement, and makes life less boring. Music picks you up when you’re feeling down, makes a long car ride more exciting, and overall makes life better. It is no wonder then, that music and sound are an important part of movies. 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