Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay on Sonic Marketing Plan - 1447 Words

Chapter 17, 18. And 19 Group Exercise Group 1 Laramie Cook Rodrick Ingram Candace Pinkney Konstance Sheffield MKT 6661 XTIA – Strategic Marketing Management Chapter 17 1. What communications objectives are appropriate for Sonic’s initial campaign? Brand Awareness – As discussed in the text, brand awareness provides a foundation for brand equity. Consumers are more likely to recognize a package than to recall a brand name. Chapter 12 discussed ways in which Sonic can use packaging and labeling to support its brand image. Sonic will use red for energy and power, orange for fun and value, blue for productivity, brown for a sense of masculinity, and black to work as an accent for the other colors. The idea†¦show more content†¦Informative advertising creates brand awareness and knowledge of the new products, where persuasive advertising aims to create liking and preference, resulting in the purchase of the new product (Kotler, Keller, 2012). Therefore both informative and persuasive advertising are will be very important consideration for the Sonic as it begins to use consumer advertising. 2. Should Sonic continue consumer and trade sales promotion after the new product has been in the market for six months? Explain. Sales promotion consist of a collection of incentive tools designed to stimulate quicker or great purchase of particular products or services by consumers or the trade. Consumer promotions are samples, coupons, cash refunds, prices off, free trials, etc. Trade promotions are prices off, advertising and display allowances, and free goods. Since Sonic will be entering into an already established market of high brand similarity, their main focus will be to attract brand switchers because the targeted market already owns some type of PDA. Sonic should not continue consumer and trade promotions after the new products have been in the market for six months because sales promotions in markets of high brand similarity can produce a high sales response in the short run but little permanent gain in brand preference over the long term. (Kotler, 2012) 3. Jane Melody wants you to recommend an event sponsorship possibility that would be appropriate forShow MoreRelatedMarketing Plan for Sonic6426 Words   |  26 Pages[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic] INTRODUCTION Marketing is an integrated communications-based process through which individuals and communities discover that existing and newly-identified needs and wants may be satisfied by the products and services of others. Perhaps the most important factor in successful marketing is marketing plan. A marketing plan is a written document that details the necessary actions to achieve one or more marketing objectives. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Role Of Financial Management With Regard †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Role Of Financial Management With Regard? Answer: Introducation For the successful operation and smooth running of any enterprise, commercial as well as non-commercial ones, several factors are of key importance. These factors may be completely endogenous to the enterprise itself as well as exogenous in nature, the latter being involuntary and not dependant on the working methods of the enterprise itself. The endogenous factors, lying in the hands of the accounting of the enterprise, are therefore, of more importance and needs to be taken care of by the management of the organizations in order to keep the potential of the concerned enterprise increasing and achieving the short term as well as the long term objectives and targets of the enterprise. One of the key endogenous factors of immense significance and implications on any enterprise is the financial management of the concerned enterprise. The term financial management, in general, refers to the efficient management of the monetary belongings and funds of an organization, including their eff ective usage and efficient and proper allocation, such that the objectives of the concerned organization can be achieved efficiently. Both commercial, profit maximizing enterprises as well as not for profit enterprises need effective financial management in order to operate efficiently in the economy. The financial management for the not for profit organization is same as the financial management of the commercial sector in various aspects. Though it may seem like the not for profit organizations do not need a financial management framework, as robust as that of the profit oriented ones, as the former is not concerned about persona revenue generation, however, for the not profit organization too, financial management plays an important part (Kaaya 2015). It is crucial to understand variance between the non profit organization and the profit making organization. The main objective of the for-profit organization is earning profit and maximizing the shareholders value. Though it is crucial for the for-profit companies to earn profit, their main aim is to deliver the socially desirable requirement on continuous basis. Further, the for-profits organizations depends on the exchange transactions and on the contrary, not for profit organization depends on the money those are contributed for particular purpose and the money is to be utilized for that particular purpose only that will decrease the elasticity of the not for profit organization. As discussed above the non-profit enterprises are mainly set up to serve social causes and increase the welfare of the society as a whole. Therefore, much of their monetary resources come from the donors and well-wishers, who patronize their initiatives. In some instance, these organizations themselves try to perform some production activities, with the help of their members, in small scales, to earn revenue, which in turn would be used to serve the purpose of the organization. Therefore, for these types of organizations, it is of immense importance to manage their financial resources and spending correctly, as they need to show their earnings and expenditures in a detailed manner to the donors. Financial management is also necessary for the not for profit organizations as their inflow of cash can be irregular and they need to smoothen their expenditures depending upon a rather irregular cash inflow. Resources of are of immense importance to these organizations and they come in the form of donations mostly and kept as reserve or asset by the organizations as the inflow are scanty and irregular. Therefore, protecting these financial reserves and using them efficiently are of utmost importance to the not for profit enterprises as their life and sustainability in the long run, depend on these resources, thereby indicating the importance of proper financial management framework in the not for profit industries (Brigham 2014). Another aspect of huge significance, especially for the non-profit enterprises, which is the reputation of these enterprises as almost all of the success and long term sustainability of these organizations depend on the goodwill that the enterprise has in the economy. The amount of donations received by the not for profit organizations also depend significantly on the good will and reputation of the concerned enterprise. In this context, if there are inappropriate usages of the funds received by any not for profit enterprise, then it may hugely affect the operations, targets as well as the goodwill of the enterprise. This may also reflect adversely on the fund collection of the concerned enterprise as donors may lose confidence from the organization, thereby diverting their donations from the organization (Brigham and Ehrhardt 2013). To prevent this, proper financial management, with regulations and limited access to the funds, needs to be implemented in these not for profit organiza tions. Financial management helps in forming the budget of the organizations, which, given the limited resources present with them, may prove to be beneficial for the organizations as a well-planned budget provides an insight to the members of an organization regarding fund allocation and proper utilization of these funds in different aspects of the organization (Finkler et al. 2016). The unforeseen events and shocks in the economy can also be mitigated with the help of a foresighted budget plan on part of the company, which implies that financial management is crucial for these organizations. Often, the non-profit organizations also involve themselves in producing activities, the production levels being small and not of fully industrialized in nature. For this purpose, proper allocation of the funds present with these not for profit organizations are required, keeping in mind the costs and benefits of the productive activities. Therefore, along with the formulation of a robust and foresighted budget, it is also of immense importance for the non-profit organizations to manage their funds, to facilitate revenue-generating productive activities, which help the organization to operate successfully in the long run (Ward and Forker 2017). Therefore, it is evident from the above discussion, that financial management activities are of immense significance for the not for profit organizations, the significance of these activities being more in some cases than that of the profit-targeting fully commercialized organizations. The management appropriately should be done on a day-to-day basis, to keep the working of these organizations smooth and keeping them free from controversies. Reference Brigham, E.F. and Ehrhardt, M.C., 2013.Financial management: Theory practice. Cengage Learning. Ward, A.M. and Forker, J., 2017. Financial management effectiveness and board gender diversity in member-governed, community financial institutions.Journal of Business Ethics,141(2), pp.351-366. Finkler, S.A., Smith, D.L., Calabrese, T.D. and Purtell, R.M., 2016.Financial management for public, health, and not-for-profit organizations. CQ Press. Brigham, E.F., 2014.Financial management theory and practice. Atlantic Publishers Distri. KAAYA, I.D., 2015. The Impact of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on Earnings Management: A Review of Empirical Evidence.Journal of Finance,3(3), pp.57-65.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Book genre to convey a serious message Essay Example For Students

Book genre to convey a serious message Essay Both The Tin Pot Foreign General and the Iron Woman and When the Wind Blows use a number of different devices to convey their serious message. These strategies are used in such a way so that they fit in with the childrens book genre and therefore the books are not simply dull moral messages.  The characters in The Tin Pot Foreign General and the Iron Woman are, as the title suggests, not actually human beings. Their actions, similarly, show them incapable of human emotions. Through these large metal monsters Briggs caricatures not just Margaret Thatcher and General Galtieri, but politicians in general. They are displayed as uncaring people who do not deserve to occupy real human bodies. The authorities lack of human compassion is also suggested in When the Wind Blows; The Government in which James has such faith is never seen, merely heard on the radio. The people in the government are not given names and by the end of the video their failings to James and the rest of the country are extremely clear. However, the main characters in When the Wind Blows are real and their authenticity increases as the film goes on. The faces of James and Hilda are deliberately normal and ordinary making it possible for the viewer to identify them as someone they know. This elderly couple endear themselves to the viewer as the film continues and their defects, such as their naivety, also bring them to life. Hildas preoccupation with cleaning is just one of the stereotypes of their generation that the characters portray. Another illustration can be found in the sexist comments that James keeps unwittingly making; Ive got spots and Im a man. Although most of The Tin Pot Foreign General and the Iron Woman features the two bright and repulsive politicians, there is a section in the middle of the book, which consists of black, sketchy charcoal drawings of the real people who died in the battles. The black pictures present this sad message of human beings who died for a cause that they had no interest in. These pictures come as a great shock after the garish metal monsters that are the two characters in authority. When the Wind Blows also contains a similar switch to simpler sepia sketches showing the bombs devastating effect. These sepia images gradually become darker until they are red. The actual white out of the nuclear explosion in When the Wind Blows lasts only a second but it is extremely effective at exposing how violent nuclear explosions are. A real video clip of a nuclear explosion is then shown. After the explosion the characters and scenery gradually pale as the bombs effects hit them. The last dark images that we see contrast greatly with the idyllic watercolours found at the very beginning of the video. The sound effects that can be heard in When the Wind Blows are surprisingly realistic, for example, the clinking of the tea set. This does much to develop and enliven the piece from merely a childrens cartoon strip to a more serious story containing real characters. As in many films ominous music is used at some points to illustrate the difficulties that are either happening or about to happen. In When the Wind Blows military music is played when the video clips of nuclear weapons are shown. Another tune in this film is the nursery rhyme Rock-a-bye-Baby and the sinister idea at the end of it fits in eerily with the issues raised in the film. Loud noises feature greatly in The Tin Pot Foreign General and the Iron Woman. These noises are repeated to emphasise their volume and effect; BANG! BANG! BANG! is far more emotive than bang. .u65a715bef953069ca9c2d3e8b7c94da1 , .u65a715bef953069ca9c2d3e8b7c94da1 .postImageUrl , .u65a715bef953069ca9c2d3e8b7c94da1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u65a715bef953069ca9c2d3e8b7c94da1 , .u65a715bef953069ca9c2d3e8b7c94da1:hover , .u65a715bef953069ca9c2d3e8b7c94da1:visited , .u65a715bef953069ca9c2d3e8b7c94da1:active { border:0!important; } .u65a715bef953069ca9c2d3e8b7c94da1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u65a715bef953069ca9c2d3e8b7c94da1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u65a715bef953069ca9c2d3e8b7c94da1:active , .u65a715bef953069ca9c2d3e8b7c94da1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u65a715bef953069ca9c2d3e8b7c94da1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u65a715bef953069ca9c2d3e8b7c94da1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u65a715bef953069ca9c2d3e8b7c94da1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u65a715bef953069ca9c2d3e8b7c94da1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u65a715bef953069ca9c2d3e8b7c94da1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u65a715bef953069ca9c2d3e8b7c94da1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u65a715bef953069ca9c2d3e8b7c94da1 .u65a715bef953069ca9c2d3e8b7c94da1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u65a715bef953069ca9c2d3e8b7c94da1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Harriet Tubman EssayBoth works use dialogue to help create the right moods. The Iron Woman does not just claim the island but bagsies it: a word that is well suited to the vocabulary of the child reader and also highlights the irrationality of this war. The translation of the speech of the Tin Pot Foreign General increases the enjoyment of the child reader as well. Other devices are also employed to mould the book for children. The story begins Once upon a time and there are repeated words, they had mutton for breakfast, mutton for lunch and mutton for dinner. Puns are used but sparingly; the Iron Woman opens her great chest. Dialogue in When the Wind Blows is important in enriching the characters and in creating the right tone for the piece. James refers to his wife Hilda affectionately as Ducks which demonstrates the great love between them. Therefore, when James, in a fit of impatience, calls Hilda Bitch! the effect is even more shocking. The two characters are constantly using clichà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½s in their normal speech, some examples are; you are what you eat, survival of the fittest and Look on the bright side. James and Hildas speech also highlights their naivety; James uses words in the wrong context, which, although initially funny, is also moving. James believes that commuters control the world and pities his wife for her Various Veins. The couple also expect the war to be just like World War Two and expect their bodies to react differently to a nuclear blast than those of the Japanese. Emotions are relayed to the reader through the dialogue and a particularly poignant part of the film is when Hilda describes the air as smelling like roast dinner. After the bomb the characters became less longwinded and there were more lulls in their conversation. The plots of The Tin Pot Foreign General and the Iron Woman and also When the Wind Blows are both relatively simple with clear beginnings, turning points and ends. These stages are accentuated by changes in dialogue, sounds, graphics, and in the characters themselves. The action in When the Wind Blows takes quite a while to actually occur but the whole first section before the bomb is building up to the moment of the bomb. There was a clear change in the mood of the story after the bombs explosion and this disaster also highlighted the naivety of the characters and their dependence on being able to just pop down to Willis'. As the characters became ill it showed how no one could overcome the effects of the bomb and the development of their illnesses was subtly done so as to exact as much emotion from the viewer as possible. The turning point of The Tin Pot General and the Iron Woman was the interruption of the charcoal drawings that changed the piece entirely. The ends of the two works by Raymond Briggs are both sad and feature the real people of the story. At the end of When the Wind Blows we are left with James and Hilda dying as the screen fades to black. Their deaths are symbolised by clouds blowing in the wind as the sun comes through. I think that this shows that, although this couple and their community have been wiped out, life is still continuing in other places. The final pages of The Tin Pot Foreign General and the Iron Woman are based on historical facts. Wounded soldiers would have sat and watched the parade on television as Margaret Thatcher banned them from taking part in the parade. This last image is a pencil sketch as it is portraying the real victims of the war but what makes it even more poignant is the bright, tiny figure that is the victorious Margaret Thatcher on the television screen. .uaf6e62159e99a29cc1e9e0052a108bea , .uaf6e62159e99a29cc1e9e0052a108bea .postImageUrl , .uaf6e62159e99a29cc1e9e0052a108bea .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uaf6e62159e99a29cc1e9e0052a108bea , .uaf6e62159e99a29cc1e9e0052a108bea:hover , .uaf6e62159e99a29cc1e9e0052a108bea:visited , .uaf6e62159e99a29cc1e9e0052a108bea:active { border:0!important; } .uaf6e62159e99a29cc1e9e0052a108bea .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uaf6e62159e99a29cc1e9e0052a108bea { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uaf6e62159e99a29cc1e9e0052a108bea:active , .uaf6e62159e99a29cc1e9e0052a108bea:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uaf6e62159e99a29cc1e9e0052a108bea .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uaf6e62159e99a29cc1e9e0052a108bea .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uaf6e62159e99a29cc1e9e0052a108bea .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uaf6e62159e99a29cc1e9e0052a108bea .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uaf6e62159e99a29cc1e9e0052a108bea:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uaf6e62159e99a29cc1e9e0052a108bea .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uaf6e62159e99a29cc1e9e0052a108bea .uaf6e62159e99a29cc1e9e0052a108bea-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uaf6e62159e99a29cc1e9e0052a108bea:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Restaurant Review EssayAlthough the two pieces deal with entirely different matters (The Falklands War and nuclear war in general) some devices to present the piece in the childrens genre are used in both books. The morals are similar, despite stemming from different world issues, both condemning people in authority whether they are actual, named leaders (as in The Tin Pot Foreign General and the Iron Woman) or merely representations of authorities in general.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Wiz Khalifa by Wiz Khalifa free essay sample

Wiz Khalifa is the biggest thing coming out of Pittsburgh to date. He’s got a sound that’s purely unique, and raps about money, and the girls. His flow is like no others in the game and his truth can’t be matched when it comes to the lifestyle he lives. His flow is sick. He throws up taylor gang like it’s his job and holds it down for Rostrum Records. Most of his music comes from mix tapes, but his biggest impact has been his Deal or No Deal album, which I own and listen to regularly. He’s my personal favorite rapper alive. He’s not that famous and still performs in clubs, however if you youtube his name he has many videos that are available to look and listen to. My favorite song to listen to from him is good dank off Kush Orange Juice.

Sunday, November 24, 2019


COMMENTS THAT MAKE ME WANT TO TRAVEL AND TEACH HARDER C. Hope Clark I speak to a lot of writers in a lot of environments. From conferences to libraries, from private residences to communitycenters, I converse with writers struggling to make heads or tails out of this business. Im glad Im not starting out, but then again, sometimes I wish I was. Its like seeing a teenager dipping his toe into the world: you wish you were in his shoes, but then again, youre glad youre not. So I try to educate the best I can, using what I know, about writing, about trying to get off the ground and find places topublish and earn a few dollars to make it worth the time. But invariably I hear a comment from someone in the room, whether before the group or behind the scenes to me privately, that makes me realize someone isnt quite getting it yet. And it makes me wish I could touch more people, teach harder. Comments I hear: 1) Im almost done writing my book. How do I publish I want to sit down and have coffee with this person, take his hand, and tell him to quit thinking about publishing. When I tell people to focus more on writing, some get disgruntled with me. Easy for you to say, youre published. I get impatient, too, but try to get rid of the anxiousness to publish. It hurts your work. Edit and edit and edit to the point of fanatical. No, you cannot over edit. Not in this day and age. Not when 99.9 percent of the writers do not edit enough. 2) Why dont agents and publishers like regular mail anymore? Thats like asking why dont we churn our own butter. We can, but why do so when theres a cleaner, faster, easier way? Emails more efficient. Short and simple. 3) I cant afford to buy nice business cards/buy my own books/buy a good cover for my book/design a polished website. Thats like saying you bake great cakes but cant afford to place an ad in the paper that you are open for weddings and birthdays. If you intend to publish, you have to afford the promotion. Thats how people find you . . . and form their first impression of you . . . and determine if you are worthy of their investment. You find a way. Ferret the best possible FREE business cards online that appear professional. Barter content writing for web services. Make a goal to do magazine/content writing enough save to pay a graphic designer to make a book cover. Search out investors relating to your book content to cover the cost of your first run of books until you can afford to pay them back. 4) How do I promote ebooks in person? You dont. Ebook readers find their books online. It just makes sense to promote there as well. If you do not understand how the business works, stop and learn. If you proceed without being knowledgeable, you could fool yourself into thinking youll navigate the journey without incident. Some argue that entering the business in a naive manner is a way to step out and dare. Not knowing the pitfalls means you have nothing to fear, they say. It also means that youre willing to learn via the path called trial Dont understand? Ask questions. Listen. Absorb. Dont judge. Be open-minded. And stay positive. Its supposed to be hard.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

ART AND RENAISSSANCE HUMANISM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

ART AND RENAISSSANCE HUMANISM - Essay Example II. The female in Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s Girlhood of the Mary Virgin Without doubt, Dante Gabriel Rossetti’s first public oil painting The Girlhood of Mary has religious theme and symbolisms. In the visual rendering of the painting, it already impressed some sort of religiosity although it may not be that obvious until one interprets the symbolisms in the artwork and associate the description of the sonnets inscribed at the bottom of the frame. In addition, the production of another painting of the Virgin Mary in the succeeding year which is the Ecce Ancilla Domini which depicted the Annunciation of Angel Gabriel to Mary that she is about to have an immaculate conception confirms the religious anthem of the painting (Cullari 3). Donnelly aptly described that Dante Gabriel’s Rossetti’s idea of â€Å"female’s excellence† such as the depiction of a woman and her femininity in his first major public painting The Girlhood of Mary Virgin is pure, innocent and clean (476). In The Girlhood of Mary Virgin, Rossetti’s elevation of the female as a subject transcended beyond her aesthetic beauty of which Rossetti was known to be enamoured and included her sanctity as a woman to the point that she belonged to the deity. This may have been attributed to the various influences of Rossetti’s social milieu during the Renaissance era where the female is idealized as pure and innocent where Rossetti lavished it with religious theme in his first two works (The Girlhood of Mary Virgin and Ecce Ancilla Domini) to stress further how much he esteemed the female. The manner of which the subjects (Mary and St. Anne) were conveyed was startling if not unconventional. Rossetti’s portrayal of his female subjects transcended beyond the visual but also included verbal description through sonnets that were equally beautiful and lofty. The representation of the female in Rossetti’s first two works, particularly the first ( The Girlhood of Mary) to his audience was as if to educate medieval parishioners about femininity by the authority of a priest using words and pictures for those who cannot read (Marsh 28). The combination of this two medium goes beyond â€Å"the word-image opposition in that it consistently threatens the temporal-spatial divide through which images and texts are normally separated† (Donnely 476). The meanings derived from the associated of the painting and the sonnet goes beyond the regular perception of narratives that disturbs the traditional perception in art with regard to its progression and form. In a way, The Girlhood of Mary is a prelude and preparation of the Virgin Mary before she will bear the child Jesus as announced by the angel Gabriel in the Annunciation or Ecce Ancilla Domini. The accompanying â€Å"sonnet captured the intense segment of Rossetti’s thought and feeling† that made the painting dense not only in the style and manner it was rendered but also in symbolism (Armstrong 462). III. Christian iconography in The Girlhood of Mary Virgin Rossetti’s painting The Girlhood of Mary is dense with symbolism. Almost every person and object in the painting suggests some form of symbolism and was not just placed in the painting just to serve a singular aesthetic purpose. The most noticeable symbolism in the painting is the mentoring of Mary’s mother, St. Anne. Typically, tutorship involves homeschooling that required a student to read. In the